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    A hot water heater is an essential installation on commercial and residential properties alike. This makes it necessary to choose one of a good brand and get it installed by experts. However, after this, regular servicing is required to keep it functioning correctly. Every property owner wants to know what schedule they need to maintain for water heater service. This information is mentioned in the manual that comes with the product. However, hot water heater service generally needs to be done every six months.

    There are some exceptions to this rule. On commercial properties on residential ones where there are a larger number of people in the household, water heater service would need to be done every three to four months. There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to the schedule you need to maintain for this work. An excellent way to determine the right frequency of service is to hire a licensed plumber to come in and inspect the system. They would be able to tell you at what frequency you need to service the water heater.

    We also firmly believe that regular service helps improve the performance of your system and maintains its energy efficiency. When we service the system, we check every single component including all the plumbing installations attached to it like the pipes etc. These inspections go a long way in determining if anything is wrong and we can fix it on time before it gets out of hand. Preventive maintenance is always the best way to keep all your plumbing systems operating correctly for many years.

    2. Why does my toilet keep running, and what can I do about it?

    If you have running toilets in your house or commercial property, it can be an utter nuisance. However, more than being an annoyance, it results in a lot of water wastage which is something you do not want happening. Water is a precious resource, and it is our responsibility to conserve it as much as possible and avoid wastage. When water is wasted on your property, you also receive much higher water bills. Sometimes, a minor problem can suddenly turn into a more severe one resulting in flooding in your bathroom. It is possible to avoid all of these things by getting your toilet repaired on time.

    People wonder why this problem occurs in the first place. This could happen because the moving components inside the flush tank have become worn or old. In some cases, deteriorated flush valves are the problem, while at others, the tank chain might have become stuck inside the flush valve resulting in running toilets. Since there are different types of issues that can crop up inside this system, it is good to hire professionals like us for regular inspection of plumbing installation.

    When we tackle this job, we don’t just attend to the running toilet issue but also inspect all the adjacent installations and features. This helps us identify potential problems and fix them without delay. It is always best to get preventive plumbing maintenance done of all of these systems. It will not only save you money on water bills but also a lot of stress and annoyance over the long term.

    When it comes to the maintenance of plumbing systems like drainage pipes on our property, we like to keep them clean and clear. It is why many of us end up buying chemical drain cleaners, and we also use them very regularly. When we find there are no frequent blockages frequently, we are happy, and continue using these products that are readily available in supermarkets and other stores near us. However, what many people fail to realize is that chemical drain cleaners are very potent.

    While they do help to clear drain blocks to a certain extent, they create another big problem that is not evident at the outset. These drain cleaners slowly but surely corrode the inside of the pipes resulting in significant damage to them over some time. By the time you realize that there is a problem in the pipe, it will have gotten out of hand. Unfortunately, many people do not even know at that point what has caused this issue. However, as experienced and licensed plumbers, we know that chemical drain cleaners can cause extensive damage to drain pipes.

    This is precisely why we recommend to our clients that they should opt for preventive plumbing maintenance services. During these service visits, our team does a thorough inspection of all the systems, including the drain pipes using a CCTV drain camera. In case any potential blockages are building up inside the pipe, we will inform you about it clean it using less invasive methods such as water pressure jets, electric eels and root cutters. This helps to avoid the kind of damage caused by chemical drain cleaners.

    While this might not happen very often, there are times when brown or rusty water starts coming out of taps and showers. This can be quite alarming, and you need to call in a licensed plumber to inspect the system to determine what is wrong. The issue generally occurs on older properties or where there are older plumbing systems. If you have noticed this problem in your home or commercial establishment, there could be various reasons for it.

    Sometimes, the rust build-up inside the showerhead or tap fixtures could cause this problem. In some cases, it is because of rust build up inside the pipes in leading to the fixtures. However, we have also seen that the problem can crop up in case you have an older water heater in which there is some sedimentation or rust at the bottom of the storage tank. Since there are various reasons why this could occur, we conduct a detailed inspection of all of these systems and fixtures before providing a suitable solution.

    While there might not be much you can do to prevent these problems from occurring, you can catch them early by getting preventive maintenance of plumbing systems done. We offer these services and inspect all of the systems in a detailed manner as per the service schedule. This allows us to identify whether any problems are cropping up, and we can fix them before they get out of hand and result in brown or rusty water on your property.

    If you find that your shower is taking a very long time to heat up, there could be multiple reasons for this problem. One of the common reasons this happens is when the hot water unit is located very far away from the shower area. It takes time for the cold water in the pipe to drain out before the hot water starts coming in. This is a small inconvenience that you might have to put up with as relocating the hot water heater might not always be feasible.

    In some cases, it is because the pipes are very narrow, and they are unable to carry sufficient hot water to the shower. But only a licensed and professional plumber can carry out a detailed assessment of the system to determine what is causing the problem. Sometimes, when we are inspecting these installations, we find that the hot water unit is the problem.

    It is either deteriorated or too old and takes a long time for the water to heat up. If this is the case replacing the system becomes the only solution, and that is what we will recommend. Also, we recommend to our clients that they should get regular plumbing maintenance of all the systems done on their property. This allows us to determine if there are any budding problems, and we can address them before they get out of control.

    If you have a significant leakage in your house, it is something you must but attend to before it becomes more severe. Since the pipelines in most properties are not visible as they are hidden behind walls, and other installations, it becomes challenging to identify whenever any problems crop up in these systems. Also, by the time you notice that the problem exists it might have gotten out of hand. The best way to make sure that these leaks are spotted early is to hire the services of professional plumbers.

    If you have seen a lot of water accumulating in a specific area and know that there is a problem, one of the first things you should be doing is to go and turn off the main valve near the water metre. This will prevent further flooding while you wait for the professional plumber to come in. We use the latest leak detection equipment in our work, and when the leakage point is not evident, it helps us pinpoint the exact location of the leak.

    We can then provide suitable solutions and stop the problem from escalating. Another right way to prevent all of these problems is to get preventive plumbing maintenance. During the service, our team visits your property, inspects installations and fixtures. They will also use modern leak protection equipment and check whether there are leakages anywhere behind walls. Identifying these problems early also helps them provide suitable fixes so that you do not have to deal with them later.

    Going out on an extended holiday means managing a lot of things at home before you leave. You need to check that all the gas appliances and electrical power points have been switched off. In addition to all of these things, you must make sure that there is no problem in the plumbing system before you leave. With this in view, many property owners wonder whether they need to turn the water supply to their home off before they leave on holiday.

    The answer to this is yes, it is a better option to do so as it eliminates the chances of plumbing problems occurring while you are not at home. For example, a burst or leaking pipe when you are not around can become a huge problem causing significant damage to various features on the property. When you turn off the main water supply, this problem cannot arise at all. However, not every property owner wants to turn the water off.

    In this case, the best option is to get your plumbing system inspected before you leave. We can inspect all the plumbing installations and fixtures on your property to determine whether they are in good condition. This significantly reduces the chances of any problems occurring while you are not around. So if you feel that you need to keep the water valve on for your automated irrigation system etc. when you are away, this can be the right solution for you.

    There are times when you might find that you are receiving a very high water bill without actually any change in the water usage on your property. This can be a little troublesome to deal with, because pinpointing the reason for it may not be an easy task for you. As experienced plumbing professionals, we know that this problem generally occurs whenever there is a lot of leakage on a property. For example, if you have many leaking toilets and taps, it can result in water wastage and high water bills.

    However, in some cases, there could be water leaking from pipes that are not visible to the eyes. One of the only ways to determine whether this problem exists is to contact experts like us for leak detection. While we are conducting the leak detection, we will also inspect all the other potential culprits in this case. We are very organized in our approach and make sure the inspection is conducted in a detailed manner.

    If we find any leakages, we will fix them to industry standards. Before contacting us, you can also do a quick check on the system. First, go and make a note of the reading on the water metre on your property. After that, do not use any appliances that use water in your home for at least a few hours. Then go back and take another reading. If it has increased, it means that there is some leakage on your property that has gone undetected. 

    Sometimes, water pressure issues on properties can result in a loss of hot water when you are showering. However, if you find that every time someone uses a tap when you are showering, and you lose some hot water, it can be an annoyance. This problem would need some amount of inspection and assessment. Various things can cause an issue. Sometimes it is because the pipe that leads to a particular bathroom area is too narrow and is unable to keep up with the flow required for two different fixtures.

    In some instances, this happens when the distance of the shower is very far away from the hot water system. In other cases, it could be a problem with the hot water system itself, which is unable to perform efficiently. This could happen because it is old or deteriorated and needs service or replacement. Cold weather can be another reason why this happens and insulating the pipes can also be a possible solution.

    Since various problems can cause these issues, you need experts like us to inspect the systems and determine what is precisely wrong. We use the latest tools and equipment in our work and are highly skilled and tackling all of these jobs to industry standards. We provide the right kind of solutions and honest advice on what fix would be best suited to solve the issue. We check for things like the sizing of the pipes, sedimentation build-up, age of the hot water unit, the distance of the hot water unit from the bathroom etc. before coming up with the right solution.

    Whenever you are getting any plumbing work done on your property, you want to be sure that the installations will be of good quality and that the work is done systematically to industry standards. While these are the things you do not want to compromise on, you also want to be sure that you are not overpaying for a job. It is why you check what the plumber cost would be before you determine who to higher. So is there a standard rate that a plumber would charge for specific jobs?

    Well, not really. This is because there are many variables when it comes to plumbing costs for different types of tasks. Whenever you are getting any plumbing installation done the cost of that job would depend on aspects such as the standing of the company that you are hiring. An experienced and licensed plumber might charge slightly higher fees than a relatively unknown one.

    Plumbing companies that cover their work with guarantees are also more skilled, which means they may maintain slightly higher pricing structures. However, they also provide you with value for money and a guarantee of quality which more than makes up for their slightly higher rates. So whenever you are hiring a plumbing professional, you would first need to get a quote for the job. It is best to get quotes from different operators and then compare the pricing. Also always compare the companies based on their experience, guarantees they provide and their reputation in the market.